

For All Kinds Of Industries

Clean room with Equipment

Design – Build – Install – Services 


Cleanroom is a specially constructed enclosed area, environmentally controlled with respect to airborne particulates, temperature, humidity, air pressure, air flow patterns, air motion, static charges, and lighting.

To secure high-quality and reliability of products, it is very important to prevent adhesion of particles. Our cleanroom technology  is  applied  to  prevention  of  hospital-acquired  infection,  bacterial  contamination  in pharmaceutical plants, and 
food alteration in food plants.

We so also cover all kind of industries that require cleanroom including microelectronic factory, battery factory and more

Our scopes of work
  • Design
  • Build
  • Install
  • Services
  • Food
  • Hospital
  • Electronic
  • Battery

Cleanroom Structure and Design

1. Wall Panel – Sandwich Panel

2. Aluminum Wiring Stud-allows for installation of electrical and communication devices

3. Corrugated Steel Roof Deck

4. Steel Beam – for loadbearing capabilities

5. Sealed Light Fixture

6. Fan powered HEPA Filter Unit

7. Gasketed Tee Grid Ceiling

8. Return Air Grille

9. Fixed Window -Tempered Safety Glass in Aluminum Frame

10. Steel or Aluminum Door with Window and Steel Frame

11. Duplex Receptacle

12. Return Air Chase

13. Floor

cleanroom ห้องสะอาด

14. AHU

15. Cool Chiller

16. Duct work

17. Air Filter

cleanroom structure and design

Our Cleanroom Componant

Air Flow Patterns

ห้องสะอาด (Cleanrooms) หมายถึง ห้องหรือบริเวณที่มีการควบคุม สภาวะแวดล้อมภายในห้อง  ได้แก่ อนุภาคสิ่งเจือปน อุณหภูมิ ความดัน ความชื้น รูปแบบการไหลของอากาศ การสั่นสะเทือน แสงสว่าง และสิ่งมีชีวิตจำพวกจุลินทรีย์ ปัจจุบันเทคโนโลยีห้องสะอาด (Cleanrooms) ได้มีการพัฒนาเพื่อนำไปใช้อย่างกว้างขวาง ในภาคอุตสาหกรรม ซึ่งเป็นผลมาจากความต้องการในการพัฒนาเทคโนโลยีระดับสูง ของอุตสาหกรรมเหล่านั้น เช่น                                                                                         

 – อุตสาหกรรมไมโครอิเล็กทรอนิกส์                                                      

 – อุตสาหกรรม Optical Fiber 

 – อุตสาหกรรมยา                                                                                              

  – อุตสาหกรรมอาหาร                                                  



  -ห้อง LAB และอื่น ๆ         

 เพื่อให้ส่งผลกำไรที่จะได้ในแง่ของ ผลผลิตที่มีคุณภาพสูงสุด                                   

จากการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่องของกลุ่มวิศวกรและทีมงานมืออาชีพที่พร้อมในการสร้างสรรค์ National Direct Network Co., Ltd. , (NDN)   จึงเป็นทีมงานที่สร้างสรรค์ งานห้องสะอาด ( Cleanrooms ) ที่ได้ มาตรฐานสากล ประหยัดพลังงาน และคุมค่าการลงทุน ตั้งแต่ ออกแบบ ติดตั้ง วางแผนการบำรุงรักษา ให้คำปรึกษา และแก้ไขปัญหาตลอดจนถึงการบริการอุปกรณ์ต่างๆ ซึ่งเราเองมีความภาคภูมิใจที่เป็นทีมงานคนไทยทีมงานหนึ่งที่สร้างสรรค์งาน

Non unidirectional Flow or Turbulent Mixed Flow

Horizonal Laminar Flow or Down Flow Type

Vertical Laminar Flow or Down Flow Type

Select Your Class of Cleanroom & Expression of the cleanliness level

Cleanliness of the cleanroom is generally expressed in the number of particles contained in the unit volume of air. Therefore, the smaller the numbers of the cleanliness class, the higher the grade (less dust) of the cleanroom. For the standard of cleanliness, the U. S. Federal Standards (FS-209D E) were used generally but has been abolished when ISO14644 has been enacted (2000). However, the cleanliness class based on FS 209D is still widely used in actual cleanrooms. This expresses the fine-particulate concentration as the number of particles in 1 cubic foot (pieces/ft3). Although the standard particle size is 0.5 μm in the FS-209D standard.

class of cleanroom

Industry sectors the cleanroom and levels

cleanroom indystry class level



Sandwich Panel

Sandwich panel Is popular today The general structure consists of sheet metal such as METAL SHEET sprayed and baked with EPOXY paint or STAINLESS Sheet # 304. To be compressed or injected with Poly Urethane foam or Poly Styrene. Enter the center to increase strength And is thermal insulation With thickness from 2 “, 3”, 4 “KNOCKDOWN installation which is convenient, fast and easy to move, popularly used with CLEANROOM at all levels, CLASS and suitable for CLEANROOM with wet and corrosive chemicals

Flat Gypsum Panel

Flat Gypsum Panel

GYPSUM wall is plastered, smooth, polished and painted with EPOXY paint, installed with GALVANIZE STEEL frame, economical as an alternative for CLEANROOM ISO.-CLASS 7, 8 (CLASS 10K, 100K) but must be CLEANROOM without damp CONCRETE wall is smooth and coated with EPOXY paint, popular with CLEANROOM that is wet or has corrosive chemicals. Installation and demolition difficult to move Is an alternative for CLEANROOM ISO-CLASS 7, 8 (CLASS 10K, 100K) as well



Use SANDWICH PANEL material with the same details as CLEANROOM WALL. Installation needs to be hung on the building structure every 2,500 MM.

Aluminum T Bar

Use ALUMINUM SUPER T-BAR. General structure consists of ALUMINUM. Various cross-sections are installed in the space of 600 x 1,200 MM

Flat Gypsum

Like ordinary GYPSUM T-BAR ceiling. The PEDA sheet uses GYPSUM LAMINATE sheet material with PVC. METAL SHEET is sprayed and baked with POWDER or STAINLESS # 304, suitable for CLEANROOM designed using FFU. It is an air conveying device. And need to UPGRADE the CLEANROOM room frequently. Use with CLEANROOM at all levels. CLASS.

Sandwich Door

s a one-way swing open door Consists of a door frame that uses ALUMINUM, various cross-sections, door frames, with a frame pattern Half-aluminum glass door, SEAL rubber sheet, air leakage, STAINLESS key embedded, C-shaped STAINLESS handle, standard size, 1,000 (W) x 2,000 (H) MM. And double 2,000 (W) x 2,000 (H) MM.

Installed on the wall for a view or make the room look airy Composed of ALUMINUM frame, various cross-sectional panels fitted with a sloping shoulder. So as not to accumulate dust And easy to clean clear glass thickness 6 MM. Size 1,000 (W) x 1,200 (H) MM.

Air Shower

CLEANROOM from CLASS 1, 10, 100, 1K, 10K.) Should be designed for CHANGING rooms and have AIR SHOWER as the main equipment. To act to reduce the amount of dust that will stick to the staff Which is operating in the CLEANROOM room. The main equipment that is composed of AIR SHOWER, sprayed and emptied with EPOXY, fan type BACKWORD CURVE PRE-FILTER, SYNTHETIC type, NOZZLE head, STAINLESS HEPA FILTER. Such as low aluminum doors, half glass, aluminum doors, MAGNETIC LOCK systems, which will interlock between the entry doors and the CONTROL system. PLC standard size 1,500 (W) x 1,000 (L) x 200 ( H) MM. Can be accessed by 1

HVAC : Heating , Ventilation and Air Condition

The air conditioning system of the room CLEANROOM requires this equipment. To act as an air carrier to reduce the temperature And through the air filter (AIR FILTER) And air circulation By absorbing air with particles, pollutants in the room that are filtered at various types of air filters (Including cooling from the coil, cooling COIL, choosing to use both the type of water heat exchanger and heat exchanger with the refrigerant) before paying back to the room

AHU used for cleanroom work Should be a type with high wind power Because they have to drive the wind through a multi-layer air filter The chassis should be (casing) a 2-layer wall DOUBLE SKIN with insulated inserts inside For easy wiping, cleaning The structure of the body must be firmly close to Air Tight as well.

Air Cool & Chiller

The air conditioning system of the room CLEANROOM requires this equipment. To act as an air carrier to reduce the temperature And through the air filter (AIR FILTER) And air circulation By absorbing air with particles, pollutants in the room that are filtered at various types of air filters (Including cooling from the coil, cooling COIL, choosing to use both the type of water heat exchanger and heat exchanger with the refrigerant) before paying back to the room

Condensing for small room

CONDENSING is a cooling device That uses refrigerant as an intermediary to exchange temperature with air Air cooled, popular with CLEANROOM, small size, low cost, time spent in assembly Available in the market, suitable for urgent tasks.

Air Duct

AIR DUCT is an air duct device There are both round and square forms. Depending on the installation area, use GALVANIZE STEEL material wrapped in PE. CLOSE CELL insulation. Assemble with various types of FITTING. 

Use STAINLESS # 304 sheet material for high-humidity CLEANROOM. Or contain corrosive chemicals

Air Filter

Synthetic Pre Filter EFF 20% at 10 micron is used for filtering fresh air

HEPA Filter (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filtering efficiency at 99.99% at 0.3 micron. It is usually installed at the ceiling for final filtering. It has life around 3-5 years

The Pre Filter has filtering efficiency of 30% at 10 micron with life around 1 month.

ULPA Filter (Ultra-Low Penetration Filter) efficiency at 99.9995% at 0.12 micron. It functions as the final filtering like HEPA filter.

The Medium Filter has filtering efficiency of 65-95% at 0.5 micron with life around 3 months.

FFU (FAN FILTER UNIT) consists of stainless casing, backward Curve blower, ULPA air filter, and speed control for controlling blower speed.